Monday, September 6, 2010

Notes From the Voodoo Cafe: I Want to be Your Flying Pig!

If you aren't familiar with Rice (Rhymes with Lisa) you should visit her blog, she is a free spirit who isn't afraid to speak her mind!

Just click this link to go there.......
Notes From the Voodoo Cafe: I Want to be Your Flying Pig!

This post struck a particular chord with me...especially at this time in my life. It is all about letting go of stereotypes, stepford wives clubs, the Martha Stewart Syndrome and being who you are. Not stifling the creative you and not worrying about what others your life to its fullest!!

Sometimes we let others dictate what is expected of us.  We follow like sheep stifling our own inner calling. Women are so programmed from birth to be the ones to...tend to everyone elses needs and ignore their own. We all need to realize we are deserving of living our life to its fullest and listening to that inner voice. I have listened to mine all my life, I am very lucky to be married to someone who accepts me for who I am. I have comformed in some ways to what society "expects", but when I am in my home, I am truly me...and I am free to be me.

I have always lived the philosophy that you can do anything you set your mind to. That is how I was raised and that is how I raised my kids. That philosophy has afforded me many great experiences that otherwise would have never come to light. If you truly believe it, if you know it in your heart, if you eat it, breathe it, sleep it....It will happen for you. You must want something bad enough, put it out there in the universe, and be diligent about it...let it be your daily mantra...all things are possible unto You...

If you'd care to discuss it further, just clear a spot at the kitchen table and I'll pour you a glass of tea.

No excuses just keepin' it real!!


Nancy said...

Well, how about if I sit over here & we discuss this further? *lol*
I love this post! Very well said! And it's reminded me I don't seem to be getting Rice's updates anymore - need to check into that. :-(

Shabby Cottage Studio said...

Such a spot on post! I've had occassions to read something Rice has written and have always enjoyed whatever it might be for that particular read. I noticed your mention of a Junque Journal or Remains of the Day...I took that class and you mentioning it makes me think you might have too? I'm glad you stopped by the blog and enjoyed my makeovers!